Local Agency / MDOT/ Private Contractor / Commercial / Residential
- Subgrade Evaluation (Proof-Rolling)
- Soil Characterization
- Density Control of Fill and Backfill Materials
- Soils Engineering
- Soil & Aggregate Sample Laboratory Services
- Foundation Excavation Inspection
- Bearing Capacity Verification (using Housel, Standard Cone Penetrometer, and Pocket Penetrometer Methods)
- Design and Field Control of Engineered Fill
- Test Pits / Perk Tests
- Mechanical Analysis
- In-Place Field Density/Moisture Testing
- Aggregate QA/QC
- Abrasion of Course Aggregate, ASTM D-131
- Specific Gravity of Concrete Aggregate, ASTM C-127 or C-128
- Specific Gravity of Soil, ASTM D-854
- Absorption of Concrete Aggregate, ASTM C-127 or C-128
- Particle Size Analysis, ASTM C-422
- Moisture Content, ASTM D-2216
- Moisture Density Relationship